Sunday, January 6, 2013

9 months and counting down

9 months
How far along? 36 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: about 25lbs! But I feel like I have gained more like 50
 Maternity clothes? They are the cheapest thing ever! Sucks. They only last for a couple weeks before they start falling apart. At this point I'm not going to buy any more unless I gain a ton in the next few weeks. 
Stretch marks? Nope. Thank GOD for that.. I"m loving the cocoa butter its a life saver.
Best moment this week: Doctor said everything is looking good and she is measuring right on target.
Miss anything: I miss the great sleep I used to get about 6 months ago. Now I have to sleep almost sitting up in bed because my heart burn is so bad. I have never gone through so many bottles of tums in my whole life as I have in the past 6 months. I also miss being able to bend over to tie my shoes, its now become a chore
Movement: Still tons and tons of movement! I have to do special stretches to get her to turn. She is head down but she needs to be facing my back and right now she is facing my belly button.
  Food cravings: Spaghetti. Really haven't had to many cravings the past couple months. I just like to eat! I feel like I'm always hungry but I can never eat an entire meal because there is no room. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope. I just stay away from anything that might give me heartburn
Have you started to show yet: Oh yes!  She hasn't started to drop yet. She is still sitting kinda high
 Labor Signs: Lots of Braxton Hicks contractions but otherwise no. I think the whole nesting ended shortly after my 2nd trimester ended also.  Unless that starts back up again.. They say that a big burst of energy is a sign of labor in the next day or two.
  Belly Button in or out? Its still in.  I don't think its going to come out and make an appearance.which is fine with me. At this point its still kind of an innie but mostly just flat.
Wedding rings on or off? On. I'm kinda surprised. I'll be even more surprised if I can wear them come 4 weeks from now.  I haven't had any swelling yet so hopefully that won't happen at all.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy for the most part, uncomfortable lots of the time.  I'm kinda in the mind set now that I just don't care much about anything.  Honestly I was even kinda Baa-humbug about Xmas for the first time in my entire life as well. No Xmas tree, I even slacked on wrapping our gifts and just threw everything in nice boxes with bows on them. Lame I know. I figure this is probably the only year I can slack on Christmas so I took advantage of it.  Keny obviously didn't mind either because Christmas is probably his least favorite holiday.  

Looking forward to: Bringing her home. !!!

These are a couple of the Maternity photos that our good friend Bridget took for us. I was about 8 months 2 weeks in these photos.  She did such a great job.  

Alot of you are still wondering about the name. Hang in there you will know in just a couple weeks.  I had a little hat made with her name on it which is what she will wear right after she is born..  When we send out her first picture you will know her name.  I also have alot of other ideas in mind that we plan on doing before we leave the hospital to reveal her name.  I wont disappoint anyone. Anyone that knows me know I like to do things a little out of the ordinary and be a little creative.

Sorry this post is about 1 week late. Today (1/6/2012) I'm actually 37 weeks and she is considered Full Term.. So as Keny likes to say I'm a ticking time Bomb.   We have started a Baby Pool. If you would like to get in on it its 5$ a guess. Your guess needs to include one date and one time. Closest person wins it all.  No deadline on the guesses but once we place a deadline we will let everyone know. 

I'm going to try and take a Belly picture every week from here on out.. Never know when the last one will be..  As for us our bags our packed and we are ready to go at any minute. Now we just have to sit and wait.  It still feels like time is flying buy and at this point I wouldn't want it any other way.    

Saturday, December 8, 2012

32 weeks.. Getting closer and closer to meeting baby B

7 months

Currently 8 Months which is only about 60 days until our due date

 This is a pic of me at 7 months and below is 8 months or 32 weeks.  In one month here is some of the highlights of all the changes that the babies has gone through.
8 months

At 28 weeks she weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters in through the womb.

At 32 weeks weighs a little over 4 pounds (
heft a pineapple) and has passed the 17-inch mark. She rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and her skeleton is hardening.

At 34 weeks or 8.5 months here is a preview of what some more changes.She will weigh about 4 3/4 pounds (
like your average cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long. Her fat layers — which will help regulate her body temperature once she's born — are filling her out, making her rounder. Her skin is also smoother than ever.

Here are some pictures of her nursery.. I'm about 90% done. Right now the room is packed with her stroller,  and swing and all those other cumbersom baby items.  If she decided to come tomorrow we would be 100% ready for her.. Well as ready as we can be. Next week we tour Swedish where I will be delivering. Also next week we have our first childbirthing class and baby care class.

Here is a picture of the mobile I made to match everything in the room.  There is so many items in the  that were loaned to us by our wonderful neighbors Hilary and Jason as well.  Also all the fabric like the curtains and bedskirt were made by Nannette.   One of the items on the shelf is a music box that my grandfather gave to my grandmother about 30 years ago.   Lorie helped me hang he pictures which are just left over fabric from the bedskirt and curtains.   Keny painted the letters for her name, unfortunatly for everyone you can't see anything but the B on the wall. We did that on purpose.. Yes we are still keeping it a secret but soon enough everyone will know.

Well thats all we have for now to put on the blog. Nothing new has been going on with Keny and I besides getting the nursery finished and all the other baby stuff ready.  Christmas will be here soon but I don't know if we will get around to putting up a tree.. Well I should rephrase that I don't think I will be putting up a tree. Keny is kinda bahumbug about christmas especially christmas decorations. I don't want to be over 9 months pregnant taking down a christmas tree. Thats probably not the best idea for me.

Dec 15th our good friend Bridget will be taking some maternity photos for us. Once she edits them and I get some of the developed copies I'll be sure to post some on here for everyone to see.   Until then, have a great xmas. Love you guys! Talk to you after Christmas.

Monday, November 5, 2012

28 weeks

Two weeks ago I had an ultrasound and she is measuring right on target.. She weighs 2 pounds maybe a little more by now.  She is measuring just about 4 days smaller than she should but that is normal they said since I'm not very tall.  During the ultrasound she had the hiccups which was kinda funny. The Ultra sonographer was having a difficult time doing all the measurements so the ultrasound took a long time which was nice. Its been a long time since we have seen her little face via ultrasound. We did get a good picture of her which is always nice. Its been 8 weeks since our last ultrasound. 

Maternity clothes? Yep defiantly wearing the pants and maternity shirts. My wardrobe shrunk to about 1/8th of the size it used to be
Stretch marks? Nope.
Best moment this week: Feeling her kick and seeing my whole belly moving around.. Such a cool thing.
Miss Anything? I'm missing all the energy I had about 1-2 months ago. These days it seems like I'm becoming more and more tired. Its getting harder to get comfortable and harder to get a good night sleep. She likes to keep me up at night.
Movement: She is SO active! Constantly moving. Her kicks are becoming so strong that she  wakes me up. You can see her kicks through my shirt, to some people thats probably kinda weird.
Food cravings: Blueberries any way I can get them, in a muffin, in a pancake, in a smoothie.  Rice and beans from Chipolte. Cant get enough of those naked burritos
Anything making you queasy or sick: Chicken. Smell doesn't bother me but if I taste it I want to get sick. Otherwise I don't feel like my noses is super sensitive. This hasn't changed for months. One thing that has been miserable is my heart burn.. There have been many nights where I have to sleep sitting up  with a bottle of tums next to me just to get a little relief..
Have you started to show yet: Of course! I feel like my belly is gigantic, sure makes putting on my shoes a little more difficult. .
Gender: GIRL!
Belly Button in or out? In still.. for now
Wedding rings on or off? Still on but some days they get a little snug..
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, Happy! well most of the time. I notice that stuff gets on my nerves a little more than usual. This also hasn't changed in the past couple months.

Over the weekend my Mother, Mother in Law and good friend Danielle put together a great baby shower for me. Big Big thanks for all that you guys did. It turned out perfect and was alot of fun. Hope everyone that attended had a good time

Food was awesome especially those bacon and sugar snap pea Kabobs..!  if anyone figures out what was in that recipe let me know.  I could eat those every day!

 Nannette and my Dad came to town for the shower. Lucky me she made the curtains and crib skirt with matching pillows for the nursery. I took a couple pictures but they didn't turn out all that great with the sun shining in the room.. I'll try again and get those posted on here.. If you know anyone that needs any crib bedding email me and I can get you in touch with her.. She is fantastic.

The Nursery is really starting to come along. Thanks to my great family and wonderful group of friends we are much closer to being completely ready for our new little addition.  Keny is going out of town for a fishing trip end of this week so that will give me time to go through everything and get the nursery organized..  I'll post pictures of the nursery on my next post once I get the decorations hung.. Stay tuned for that. 

Monday, October 22, 2012

26 weeks with 3.5 months to go

Time is going by SOOOO fast!.                 She is only the size of a head of Lettuce but it feels more like a basketball.. Her favorite thing is to keep me up at night by kicking me in the ribs and by dancing on my bladder. Makes sleep not so great these days. Naps are becoming my regular thing on the weekends and during the week if I can fit in a quick one after work.   Otherwise besides the backaches and achy feet I'm feeling great. Not much to complain about which is good. !  Now that she is getting bigger her heart beat is loud enough that Keny can hear it if he listens closely.  She can open her eyes now also.   

The nursery is really starting to come together.. Here is what we have so far. Its not to girly.. I figured everything else she has is going to be pink.  Big thanks to Nannette, she is coming out to make the bedding and curtains for the room!. With her touch it will make the room come together and look great.
accent fabric
accent fabric
Some cute owls around the room 
accent fabric for pillow and picture
accent fabrics

accent light

Rocker/ swivel chair with ottoman       
 Seems like every couple days we get a big box on our doorstep with something for the nursery.  I found out really fast that anything you need for your nursery is on back order for weeks!.. Good thing I didn't wait long before we started to buy the necessities like the crib and rocking chair.  

We got a great idea from a friend of mine about collecting some of Keny and I's old baby books that we liked when we were younger..I know I somewhere I have a stash of them, probably not in good shape but that's ok.  In each book we will write a little message to her  of some cute memories we have once she is born.  Slowly we can start a little book collection for her. 

If you would like to attend the baby shower email me your address and 
we'll send you an invite.   Shower is scheduled for Saturday 11/3rd.  
I'm registered at Right Start & Babies R Us.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Baby shower/ 25 weeks

Its Shower Time 
and I'm betting there will be alot of PINK 
but that's all I know. I'm pretty much in the dark with the shower stuff.

If you would like to attend email me your address and we'll send you an invite.   Shower is scheduled for Saturday 11/3rd
I'm registered at 
3000 East Third Avenue, Unit 15
Denver, Colorado 80206

25 Weeks. Just 1 more week until I'm at the beginning of the 3rd trimester already!.This week The hands are fully developed -- fingerprints and all! She is starting to put on some baby fat also.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

6 months & Babymoon update

6 Months, Hard to believe how fast it gone by. That puts her at just over a pound. Since she almost a foot long, she cuts a pretty lean figure at this point. She is the size of an ear of corn from head to bum. Also by now, that fabulous face is almost fully formed, complete with eyelashes, eyebrows, and hair. What color will her hair be ?? brunette or blonde?? Actually, right now her locks are white since there's no pigment yet

Sorry its been a couple weeks since i have posted something. We officially moved our office down to the lower level and the computer, camera and everything else has been piled up in the room waiting to be organized.   Now that the nursery is all cleared out I started painting!.. Thinking about getting new carpet upstairs so that is kinda holding up any other projects in the nursery like decorating and putting together the crib.    I have alot of things done on my to do list that must get done before the baby gets here.
Crib- got it
Mattress- need it still
bedding- still need it
rocking chair and ottoman- got it
car seat- got it
stroller- got it
painting- half way done
install shelves in closet- not done
new floor- needed still
dresser/changing table- need it
cloths- only a couple things still need to stock up.
other baby items- Nothing so far!. so much to get still
Birthing classes- scheduled
registered for hospital- done!
pediatrician- still looking
and the list could go on and on and on.!

As for me. Man oh man has my belly grown this week. I had to break down and officially buy some maternity shirts, can't fit in to my regular shirts anymore with out this baby belly sticking out.  Otherwise I'm feeling great, No complaints. I'm really enjoying this pregnancy thing but I have been told my opinion might change come December and January. Sound like my shower might be in November- more details will be mailed out to everyone. If I don't have you address and you would like to come send your info my way.. 


Baby-moon update

Veiw from our deck in Teton Springs, ID

So much fun!. so glad we went. First time we drove through the grand Tetons was end of December a couple years back. We thought we would take a different highway so we would drive right through the Tetons and get some great views and pictures. Well that didn't work, it was Blizzarding  so bad we couldn't see the trees on the side of the road.   When I planned this trip I thought wow it would be nice to go back there in the fall to see the leaves change and get  chance to actually see the Tetons  Well for the 2nd time it didn't  go as planned. Little did I know there were 3 different fires close to the Tetons and it was so smoky we could barely see them at all.  We decided maybe we should plan a trip somewhere completely different than the Teton's next time because obviously we weren't meant to see them.  We did see some beautiful trees and stuff.  We saw 2 moose the first day we were there. I was so  excited.. I really wanted to see a bear, its on my bucket list but unfortunately we didn't see any of those either.  

Tetons from the back at Grand Targhee

 First night we stayed in Grant Teton valley which is at the base of Jackson Hole Ski Resort. It was nice but the hotel left much to be desired!.  Last 2 nights we stayed in Victor Idaho which is on the back side of the Tetons in a fabulous Lodge and Spa!.  Most beautiful please we have ever stayed, this place lacked zero of anything.  Granite counter-tops in the full kitchen, golf course with gorgeous views of the aspen covered mountains that we could actually see.!  Lakes surrounding the resort that were stocked for  guest to fish for free.

Jackson National park

Great place and we will defiantly be going back there, maybe with another couple next time. It defiantly holds its title of a true 5 star Luxury hotel. I would recommend it to anyone. Here are some of the best pics from our trip!..   Hopefully it won't be more than a year or so before our next trip.  Keny and I are home bodies mostly but it is nice to get away every once in a while. 

Jackson National Park

Grand Targhee Ski resort,
Teton's From the back side

Bald Eagle in the tree

Look close you can see the Grand Tetons in the distance. To bad its smoky

First day in Jackson's Hole