Sunday, January 6, 2013

9 months and counting down

9 months
How far along? 36 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: about 25lbs! But I feel like I have gained more like 50
 Maternity clothes? They are the cheapest thing ever! Sucks. They only last for a couple weeks before they start falling apart. At this point I'm not going to buy any more unless I gain a ton in the next few weeks. 
Stretch marks? Nope. Thank GOD for that.. I"m loving the cocoa butter its a life saver.
Best moment this week: Doctor said everything is looking good and she is measuring right on target.
Miss anything: I miss the great sleep I used to get about 6 months ago. Now I have to sleep almost sitting up in bed because my heart burn is so bad. I have never gone through so many bottles of tums in my whole life as I have in the past 6 months. I also miss being able to bend over to tie my shoes, its now become a chore
Movement: Still tons and tons of movement! I have to do special stretches to get her to turn. She is head down but she needs to be facing my back and right now she is facing my belly button.
  Food cravings: Spaghetti. Really haven't had to many cravings the past couple months. I just like to eat! I feel like I'm always hungry but I can never eat an entire meal because there is no room. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope. I just stay away from anything that might give me heartburn
Have you started to show yet: Oh yes!  She hasn't started to drop yet. She is still sitting kinda high
 Labor Signs: Lots of Braxton Hicks contractions but otherwise no. I think the whole nesting ended shortly after my 2nd trimester ended also.  Unless that starts back up again.. They say that a big burst of energy is a sign of labor in the next day or two.
  Belly Button in or out? Its still in.  I don't think its going to come out and make an appearance.which is fine with me. At this point its still kind of an innie but mostly just flat.
Wedding rings on or off? On. I'm kinda surprised. I'll be even more surprised if I can wear them come 4 weeks from now.  I haven't had any swelling yet so hopefully that won't happen at all.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy for the most part, uncomfortable lots of the time.  I'm kinda in the mind set now that I just don't care much about anything.  Honestly I was even kinda Baa-humbug about Xmas for the first time in my entire life as well. No Xmas tree, I even slacked on wrapping our gifts and just threw everything in nice boxes with bows on them. Lame I know. I figure this is probably the only year I can slack on Christmas so I took advantage of it.  Keny obviously didn't mind either because Christmas is probably his least favorite holiday.  

Looking forward to: Bringing her home. !!!

These are a couple of the Maternity photos that our good friend Bridget took for us. I was about 8 months 2 weeks in these photos.  She did such a great job.  

Alot of you are still wondering about the name. Hang in there you will know in just a couple weeks.  I had a little hat made with her name on it which is what she will wear right after she is born..  When we send out her first picture you will know her name.  I also have alot of other ideas in mind that we plan on doing before we leave the hospital to reveal her name.  I wont disappoint anyone. Anyone that knows me know I like to do things a little out of the ordinary and be a little creative.

Sorry this post is about 1 week late. Today (1/6/2012) I'm actually 37 weeks and she is considered Full Term.. So as Keny likes to say I'm a ticking time Bomb.   We have started a Baby Pool. If you would like to get in on it its 5$ a guess. Your guess needs to include one date and one time. Closest person wins it all.  No deadline on the guesses but once we place a deadline we will let everyone know. 

I'm going to try and take a Belly picture every week from here on out.. Never know when the last one will be..  As for us our bags our packed and we are ready to go at any minute. Now we just have to sit and wait.  It still feels like time is flying buy and at this point I wouldn't want it any other way.