Monday, August 27, 2012

IVF- $$,$$$ Expensive/ Baby on the way- Priceless

Some votes are in so far and 
here are the numbers.. 
7 girl
2 boy  
Its hard to say if those are educated guesses or
 if those are guesses
 just to give Keny a hard time.    

Here is a little history for those of you who want more education behind your guess. Researchers  have found that couples who have ICSI have less chance of having a son than if they had standard IVF or conceived naturally.

The sex ratios for babies born after ICSI were 49.6% male and 54.9% female. ICSI is just another procedure that Keny and I had to do including IVF due to Keny's Cancer.  I actually was under the impression that we had a much higher chance to have a boy and that is actually true only if you do the traditional IVF only without ICSI. 

When it comes down to it parenthood is a gift and a privilege. We are both so excited to be given this opportunity in life.  Alot of people take it for granted, Keny and I have learned that this a gift to precious to take any part of it for granted. 

Its hard to believe that in less than 2 weeks I'll be half way through this pregnancy.  This week our baby is about 1/2 a pound and about the size of a Deli pickle. For those of you that keep asking, I'v always hated pickle. I'm not sneaking them for a midnight snack or anything. I'm defiantly not dipping them in my ice cream like I have heard others like to do.   No cravings for me at all really except chocolate but that's a life long craving. And surprisingly enough I think my horrible sweet tooth is subsided a little in the past few months. Keny is a little jealous that I have been feeling the baby kick for a few days now. Hopefully he will get the chance to feel it soon. 

Keny has this grand plan about starting a pool for the baby's Birthday date, time, and weight.  He will post more details about it soon.. My official due date is 1/25/2013. 


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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Hello baby bump

So technically I'm only 3 days from being 18 weeks and I just started getting the bump.  WOW does it grow fast!. I guess there is a large Cantaloupe in there and I can defiantly feel it.  Finally broke down and visited the Gap maternity store. 

Here is the most recent baby update for this week

The baby is about the size of your palm, weighs about five ounces, about the size of a baked potato for those of you that like to compare the baby to your favorite food item. What else is up? Our baby is hard at work honing his sucking and swallowing reflexes—all the better for eating that 2 AM (and 5 AM, and 8 AM ...) meal in a few months! The finger- and toenails are beginning to grow from their nail beds, which would explain why he'll need them trimmed almost as soon as he's born! For those of you in our family interested in the dental stuff, this week she will start to develop tooth enamel.

Its amazing that I'm almost half way through already!. I'm sure the next 20 weeks won't go as fast but I hope I enjoy them as much as I have so far. Any day now i might feel he or she move. And in 18 days we will know if we will have a little boy or little girl on the way. Stay tuned! for that news. I'll post the Big news as soon as we find out.

In the mean time!. Cast your vote!.. Tell us what your guess is.. Boy or Girl??

Here is another old wives tale to ponder over and maybe help make your guess.  

If you have morning sickness that seems to last all day long and last for longer than your first trimester, then you are having a girl.

I had morning sickness until about week 16. To this day still can't even smell chicken let alone think about eating it. Who knows if that will ever go away.  Brushing my teeth is very difficult to do, makes me gag. Such a great thing to look forward to every morning and night.    My morning sickness was not at its worst in the AM but actually worse in the afternoon and night.  I think most of that is related to car sickness though. Still to this day driving in the car in the afternoon in stop and go traffic in the heat is a sure thing to make me nauseated.   Maybe that will help you with your guess.   I know what mine is but I'm not telling.......

Monday, August 13, 2012

Boy or Girl? Soon we will know..

16 weeks.  4.6 inches this week about the size of an avocado.  Anytime now I'll be able to feel he or she moving and kicking around.. This week the baby is growing hair and finger nails.. Crazy to think that something so tiny already is fully formed from its finger nails to  taste bugs.

Heart beat on Thursday was 151..
As the old wives' tale has it, if your unborn baby's heart rate is higher, above 140 beats per minute, that means you're carrying a girl. A lower heart rate below 140 bpm means you're having a boy.  Maybe this means Keny will have a daddy's girl?? Who knows.  One more month and we will all know.. 

9/10 I'll post the official picture revealing the Gender..  

Guess the Sex?? Boy or Girl?? 
Cast your Vote!

Monday, August 6, 2012

The long journey to where we are today.

Sometimes we look at each other still in disbelieve that are actually pregnant!.. Seriously it finally happened? And this isn't a dream.  WOW..  The only thing we have known for the past 3+ years is doctors appointments, shots, tests and procedures.. Seems like there was never an end it site.. Docs always said you have such good chances of having a kid you should have no problem since your young..  Yeah right, those docs had no clue what they were talking about..    No doctor, nurse or other IVF couple can really truly prepare you for what your about to do..   Sure they can tell you about the shots and the side effects and all the appointments and the odds of this working and the odds of that working..  Knowing all of that ahead of time it still doesn't prepare you for  any of it..  Its like going on a hike in the mountains in the dark with no flashlight, with no map or sign of daylight.. Some how you have to get from point A to B, I'm still amazed we actually made it here. 

We are already 15 weeks! Crazy how time flies  and I'm glad the first 12-14 weeks flew by fast! Here is a picture of our little peanut a couple weeks ago!.. Now its about double that size actually its about the size of an orange. Seems like the trend is comparing your babies size to fruit, I don't know who started that.. No one has really said yet that I'm showing but I give it another week..   I'm trying to wear all my favorite cloths because I know I'm down to just days before they wont fit.  

 It will be around 18-20 weeks that we will find out the gender.. The plan is to have a Gender Party with the family. That will be the day that Keny and I and all of our families find out if its a boy or girl!.   More details on that to come.. Probably will be sometime end of Aug or beginning of Sept.  Invitations to future grandparents, great grandparents, aunts,uncles and siblings will go out soon.   If you haven't heard of a gender party well your in for a surprise! I'm not going to tell you how the surprise will play out.. You will see. I will post pictures too. 

We are due 1/25/2013..

Our New Blog!

Hey everyone,
We decided that since Keny and I are not on facebook we should try and stay in contact with everyone somehow.  We will try and update our blog anytime something exiting happens with ourselves or the baby.  Stay tuned for more..