Monday, November 5, 2012

28 weeks

Two weeks ago I had an ultrasound and she is measuring right on target.. She weighs 2 pounds maybe a little more by now.  She is measuring just about 4 days smaller than she should but that is normal they said since I'm not very tall.  During the ultrasound she had the hiccups which was kinda funny. The Ultra sonographer was having a difficult time doing all the measurements so the ultrasound took a long time which was nice. Its been a long time since we have seen her little face via ultrasound. We did get a good picture of her which is always nice. Its been 8 weeks since our last ultrasound. 

Maternity clothes? Yep defiantly wearing the pants and maternity shirts. My wardrobe shrunk to about 1/8th of the size it used to be
Stretch marks? Nope.
Best moment this week: Feeling her kick and seeing my whole belly moving around.. Such a cool thing.
Miss Anything? I'm missing all the energy I had about 1-2 months ago. These days it seems like I'm becoming more and more tired. Its getting harder to get comfortable and harder to get a good night sleep. She likes to keep me up at night.
Movement: She is SO active! Constantly moving. Her kicks are becoming so strong that she  wakes me up. You can see her kicks through my shirt, to some people thats probably kinda weird.
Food cravings: Blueberries any way I can get them, in a muffin, in a pancake, in a smoothie.  Rice and beans from Chipolte. Cant get enough of those naked burritos
Anything making you queasy or sick: Chicken. Smell doesn't bother me but if I taste it I want to get sick. Otherwise I don't feel like my noses is super sensitive. This hasn't changed for months. One thing that has been miserable is my heart burn.. There have been many nights where I have to sleep sitting up  with a bottle of tums next to me just to get a little relief..
Have you started to show yet: Of course! I feel like my belly is gigantic, sure makes putting on my shoes a little more difficult. .
Gender: GIRL!
Belly Button in or out? In still.. for now
Wedding rings on or off? Still on but some days they get a little snug..
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, Happy! well most of the time. I notice that stuff gets on my nerves a little more than usual. This also hasn't changed in the past couple months.

Over the weekend my Mother, Mother in Law and good friend Danielle put together a great baby shower for me. Big Big thanks for all that you guys did. It turned out perfect and was alot of fun. Hope everyone that attended had a good time

Food was awesome especially those bacon and sugar snap pea Kabobs..!  if anyone figures out what was in that recipe let me know.  I could eat those every day!

 Nannette and my Dad came to town for the shower. Lucky me she made the curtains and crib skirt with matching pillows for the nursery. I took a couple pictures but they didn't turn out all that great with the sun shining in the room.. I'll try again and get those posted on here.. If you know anyone that needs any crib bedding email me and I can get you in touch with her.. She is fantastic.

The Nursery is really starting to come along. Thanks to my great family and wonderful group of friends we are much closer to being completely ready for our new little addition.  Keny is going out of town for a fishing trip end of this week so that will give me time to go through everything and get the nursery organized..  I'll post pictures of the nursery on my next post once I get the decorations hung.. Stay tuned for that.